Heena Praveen
Heena has a rich experience of 6 years in education, with a focus on primary and elementary education. Her expertise lies in developing a curriculum for literacy. She has made significant contributions to instructional design, assessment, classroom observation, and the development of children’s literature.
She has also worked on creating various frameworks, such as inclusivity, material development, and material review. Heena conducts workshops and training sessions to design effective instructional methods. She strongly believes that every child deserves a solid foundation in their education. Her passion for her work drives her to create engaging and inclusive learning experiences. Her goal is to inspire young learners to explore, question, and discover the fascinating world of language and literature.
She holds a Diploma in Elementary Education and a bachelor’s degree in education from Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi. Additionally, she has a master’s degree in education from Azim Premji University in Bangalore.